Increased Scholarship for Science Students

By Jamyang Wangyal

Being a counselor I have been mingling with Tibetan School Student from past 6 years with regard to career guidance. During those years I have come across lots of dissimilar student like to opt for with or without conscience sometimes. There are some student decided with their career/aim yet gets changed on account of financial crisis, family’s non support and majority on account of lack of role model from whom they can acquire first hand information which ought to have much more effect to the student.

Though its very clear and I personally believe that Tibetan students possesses lots of talents, skill and tactful mind to walk ahead with every career/courses and ability to turn out with flying result yet due to not much motivated and less confident as additional becomes a drawback. Refreshing over the past years, its obvious that most students opt for the courses which their seniors and relatives have been doing in order to avoid any inconveniences and not exactly utilizing the talent that one possesses.

Normally we speak student on Self Evaluation as follows:

Self Assessment:


What am I interested in doing?

What activities have I enjoyed the most?

What kinds of people would I like to work with?

What kind of job settings would I enjoy?


What satisfactions do I seek in a career?

In what ways must I be challenged and rewarded on the job?

In what type of work environments would I be happy?


What can I do best?

What are my strengths and weaknesses?


What personal qualities do I possess that will help me on the job?

How will my personal style influence my career choice?

How will I get along with my supervisor? co-workers?

Student might pursue a career based on their major, or they might pursue one based on passions or interests outside of their field of study. Whichever the case, making a good choice about a career essentially depends on three things:

  1. Improving your awareness and understanding of your interests, skills, and motivations
  2. Learning what kinds of jobs, employers, and career fields exist that fit with your interests, abilities and values
  3. Making a decision that matches what you want and what opportunities are available to you

Importance of Studying Science and Technology

Science is an infinite regression - behind each answer lurks a question, and behind that, another.
- Hans Christian von Baeyer

Before understanding the importance of Science it is important to know that Science and technology are closely associated with our lives. Scientific study tries to analyze the occurrences in nature and gain knowledge about complexities of nature through experimentation which is important for the progress of mankind. Scientific research comprises of a wide variety of fields ranging from the study of different branches of science to relatively advanced fields like space exploration, human genetics and cloning. Through scientific research, seemingly impossible feats have been made possible.

Science and technology are important in the unending struggle towards truth, and the progression of human potential.

Motivation behind scientific and technological ambition appears to be driven by simple curiosity, and the desire to improve knowledge, understanding, and quality-of-life for ourselves, our loved ones, and all human-kind.

Science permeates our lives and informs our actions 

Physics, for example, teaches us how mirrors work, how glasses can aid one's vision and how heat is treated by various household materials (plates and utensils).

Chemistry discusses the principles of matter, like atoms, molecules and compounds. It discusses the countless different substances that can arise from the minutest variations within compounds. These atoms, molecules and compounds make up the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe, the medicines we take when we are sick. Some we can't possibly live without.

Biology, the study of life, teaches us why we are the way we are, why we need what we need to survive, how all living things are categorized, when we all came from. These, and countless other questions and answers are all related to science.

There have been so many tremendous advances in technology over the last decade or so, in fact the pace is accelerating. Everyday new things are discovered and with the increase in scientific knowledge, there is an increase in demand for educated students. Cancer research has found a virus capable of killing cancerous tumors in rats. Although this has not been sufficiently tested for use on people yet, scientists predict that testing on human volunteers may come into effect in around two years or so. There has also been the ever-controversial breakthroughs in the cloning of sheep and mice, which can have a great impact (whether good or bad) on the future.

There is another important aspect of science. Science is fun. Learning is always fun but it's especially rewarding when it has something to do with the things going on around you. There is a satisfaction that comes from learning about these often complex matters that goes far beyond merely getting a good grade. It helps you to understand the world around you and to appreciate it's complexities. It teaches you that we can't possibly understand everything about the world ever, but we go on trying anyway, engaging in the never- ending search for truths... and why? We do this because science is fun and exciting. The more we learn, the more we want to learn, the more we feel ourselves pushed towards the answers and towards further questions, towards the future...


Scholarship Opportunity offered by Department of Education for Science Students

Considering the importance of studying Science and Technology in Today’s world and need of Tibetan student in the field of Science, this year Department of Education, Central Tibetan Administration has maximised the opportunity for the student to become science professional by providing more number of scholarship for science student. The aim behind the increase number of science scholarship is to boost student towards science and address the problem of student following others by neglecting own Skill/Interest.

Given below is the chart showing the increase number of scholarships and reserved seats for Science Student:

Courses Diploma Bachelor Post Graduate/Master M.Phil/Ph.D (Open) Reserved Seats
Year 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011 2010 2011
No. of Scholarship 8 9 22 54 7 14 7 10 23 63

Note: This status excludes scholarships offered for Bachelor degree from CTSA

Conclusion: I personally hope that the student understands the importance of science as we do and instead of following others blindly, i urge all student to choose career as per their own interest and talent. I hope to see more students availing this opportunity and more science professional in coming years to serve our community.

Jamyang Wangyal
South Zone Guidance and Counseling Cell, Mundgod
(Under Department of Education, CTA, Dharamsala)

Tibetan Scientific Society (TS2) is a non-profitable organization whose mission is to help Tibetan students succeed in STEM and foster scientific temper in our society.
