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Tenzin Gyatso Scholars Program

Seven of the best and brightest scholars from the Tibetan monastic and educational systems in India and Nepal are now studying at Emory University and Hampshire College. They are enrolled in classes in neuroscience, biology and physics, as well as taking classes in the social sciences.

The initiative has been prompted by Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, who has stressed the importance of infusing the Tibetan practices of compassion and altruism, with a thorough understanding how western thought and inquiry has developed.

In the Footsteps of the 14th Dalai Lama

It is this vision of a Tibetan Buddhism that is thoroughly in step with modern knowledge and research that has inspired the Tenzin Gyatso Institute to launch the Tenzin Gyatso Scholars Program.

Under the guidance of an illustrious group of Advisors, the program aims to make it possible for the most promising students from the major monastic universities in India, to follow in the Dalai Lama’s footsteps. Their paths should be mirroring his own journey of discovery at the interface of Buddhism
and western scholarship.

The personal journey that many of the Tenzin Gyatso Scholars have taken—from Tibet, to India, to America, has touched the hearts of many people. As one of the scholars has said, “This journey is not for us. It is to fulfill the vision of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to bring science to the monasteries,” and develop the next generation of leaders and teachers that can bring about a “new form of knowledge.”

Bridging East and West

As a result of his many travels and encounters, the Dalai Lama has seen how urgently the wisdom and compassion of the Buddhist tradition is needed in the world today. Because of his ability to bridge the traditions of the east and west, he has been able to shape his message and refine his presentation of the teachings of Buddha to be evermore attuned to the reality of his listeners’ lives and their world-view.

The Benefits

A great Buddhist scholar and practitioner, the Dalai Lama has experienced first-hand the benefits of a wider and in-depth exposure to other disciplines and traditions, and has participated eagerly in ground breaking dialogues with scientists, philosophers, religious figures and world leaders, always with the common theme of helping humanity.

The 14th Dalai Lama believes strongly that the inclusion of modern fields of learning in the monastic curriculum is of the greatest importance, and entirely in keeping with the rigorous and rational search for truth that lies at the heart of the teaching of Buddha.

Insights & Values of Buddhism

Tibetan Buddhist culture is part of the heritage of the whole of humanity, and the value to be gained from its preservation and reinvigoration extends far beyond the Tibetan community.

Anyone who completes the Tenzin Gyatso Scholars Program will be better placed to articulate the ancient teachings of Buddha in the light of modern knowledge and modern reality, for a modern audience. In this way, the Scholars Program is working for the long-term wider welfare of people everywhere.

- See more at: http://tibetanscientificsociety.com/News.aspx?NewsID=7#sthash.PYlsfjkX.dpuf

Tibetan Scientific Society (TS2) is a non-profitable organization whose mission is to help Tibetan students succeed in STEM and foster scientific temper in our society.
